Osseointegrated C-orthodontic Microimplants For Simple And Speedy Orthodontics
Webmaster 2006-03-09 27813 ajo_do_106th(2).jpg 

American Association of Orthodontists
106th Annual Session - Las Vegas

The two-component C implant provides many practical advantages over conventional microimplants. The implant hole allows it to hold archwires without bonding and banding, enabling it to function independently in a diverse range of clinical applications. Successful en masse retraction is achieved with C implants as the sole anchorage in Class I bidentoalveolar protrusions and Class II anterior protrusion cases. The osseointegration potential of these microimplants allows them to resist rotational force and control three-dimensional movements of anterior teeth during retraction.

Kyu-Rhim Chung, DMD, MSD, PhD
Seoul, Korea

Dr. Chung maintains a private orthodontic practice in Seoul, Korea. He is a former chairman of Department of Orthodontics at Kyunghee University School of Dentistry, former president of the Korean Association of Orthodontists and president of the Korean Society of Speedy Orthodontics. He is also a visiting professor in the Department of Orthodontics at both the University of California in Los Angeles and Osaka University. In addition, he serves as a clinical professor in the Department of Orthodontics at the Catholic University of Korea. He publishes and lectures extensively on orthodontics, including corticotomy-assisted orthodontic treatment mechanics.

The C-Orthodontic Micro-Implant (JCO)